Maybe what I'm missing from my life is colour film. I play a lot with digital colour trying to replicate often what I see on TV and in films but maybe this can only be done with film. Maybe these emotions and feelings and dreams I see in my mind can only be trapped in the emulsions of film rather than in digital. I need to get myself another film camera it seems (I have two already, however one (the better one) is broken and the other feels like a toy in my hands.) I want an old Pentax or another Konica and maybe then I can start realising my desires of beauty through film. This seems like a good experiment. My exam project for photography in college will most likely be set around 'colour', which I think would be a good excuse to buy up an old camera and get shooting the colours I see in my crazy mind. Large colour film prints are simply stunning and nothing can beat them in terms of feel and colour. Especially when shot with a good 50mm prime the out of focus areas can be wonderful swirls of colours. Dynamic range is vastly improved over digital also. I'm rambling now I feel, which is a shame as my thoughts aren't as collected as usual.
I need to sleep again. I think I'm going to scour eBay for some cameras before I drop off though. Goodbye for now, and lets hope I can get my scattered mind together enough for a decent post tomorrow.
So long, So love.
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