Listening to the Mirror's Edge theme song at the moment and I seem to play it at least once a day at the moment. I most certain recommend it. You can tell it's originated in Asia, as you can the game. It's very electronic and sort of like trance/euphoria but with a ballad beat. Quite moving, to me at least.
I went to the zoo the other day and took some pictures. Only have one uploaded online at the moment and I really can't be bothered to wait
I got a letter offering me an interview for Swansea University concerning my application for the Photojournalism course. I didn't expect to have any interest from unis so this letter was a bit of a surprise but I'm going to go anyway. Not sure what I'm going to do after that though because I'm doing a National Diploma in Lens Media at college for another year. Ah the choices. I wonder how my other applications will do. In saying that, I really need to actually apply for the Foundation Diploma as I haven't done so yet :/ I'm too damn good at procrastinating and it's really not good.
I've just dug out the form and it makes no sense at all so that one will be interesting to sort out.
I've run out of things to say tonight. I think I'm very tired. I'm always tired in an emotional sense, but body-tired tells me I need to sleep. Maybe I should sleep. I've been ill the past few days and I think it's taken a lot out of me. Up at 8 tomorrow, that'll be a nice one. Ah well. Night.
So long, So love.
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